1006…….(Born N. Y.)                    William S. Smith                    (Ap’d N. Y.)……….21


          Military History.  – Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1835, to July 1, 1839, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 1st Artillery, July 1, 1839.

          Served:  at the Camp of Instruction, near Trenton, N. J., 1839; on the Northern Frontier at Pittsburg, N. Y., 1839-41, during Canada Border Disturbances; in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1841-44; on Recruiting service, 1844; in garrison at Ft. Constitution, N. H., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, at Corpus Christi, 1845-46;

(First Lieut., 1st Artillery, June 18, 1846)

on Recruiting service, 1846-48; and in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1848-49.

Died, Nov. 6, 1849, at Kingsbridge, N. Y.:  Aged 30.

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