September 7, 1845



Military Movements.  — The two companies of U. S. troops recently arrived at Boston from Houlton, Me., and quartered at Fort Warren, have received orders immediately to join the forces in Texas.


A detachment of fifty artillerists from the post at West Point arrived in New York on the 27th ult., to take the place of the force sent on the ship Pacific to Texas.  Some dissatisfaction is said to have been felt among the men, in consequence of their change of position, they claiming to have enlisted conditionally that they should remain at West Point.


Col. Bankhead’s battalion of U. S. Artillery have been subjected to yet another draft.  Three more companies are under orders to b in readiness for Texas.


Source: The Daily Picayune, September 7, 1845, p. 2, col. 3.

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