September 12, 1845



From Aransas. — The schooner Enterprise arrived here yesterday from the Bay of Aransas, having sailed thence the 6th inst.  We received by her neither letters nor papers, and are assured that she brought no intelligence of any moment whatever, unless to confirm the previous reports of perfect quiet at Corpus Christi and the health of the troops.


The U. S. brig Lawrence was still at anchor outside the bar, and to sail for this port in a few days.


The Charleston Courier mentions that the following officers accompanied the two companies of U. S. troops, which left there recently in the steamer Cincinnati, for Aransas Bay, viz: Captains Burke and Taylor; Lieutenants Gilham, Churchill, Ayres, Kilburn; and Surgeon Hawkins.  Capt. D. Perkins and Mr. Leman accompanied as Sutlers.


The U. S. brig Lawrence was still at anchor outside the bar of Aransas on the 6th inst.


Source: The Daily Picayune, September 12, 1845, p. 2, col. 1 and 2.

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