October 25, 1845
From the Bay of Aransas. — The U. S.
transport steamboat Monmouth, Capt. Baker, arrived here yesterday
forenoon from Aransas Bay. She left there on the 16th inst.,
arrived at Galveston on Friday night, and departed again on Monday
night, the 20th, and made her way hither, against N.N.E.
winds, which prevailed throughout the passage.
The Monmouth is in a very critical state,
leaking most rapidly, and will go at once into dry dock for repairs.
The army at Corpus Christi was in pretty
good health, except that a few cases of dysentery had occurred. Three
hundred Mexicans ventured within 50 miles of Corpus Christi a few days
since, in pursuit of a body of Camanches, which had been committing
depredations on the settlements. The commander of the Mexicans, being
an old acquaintance of Col. Kinney, sent word to him that he should have
called to see him, but was fearful he might be censured. An old friend
in the army writes us as follows on this subject:
7th Infantry Camp, Corpus
Christi, Texas
October 15th, 1845.
My Dear Sir
— I wrote you by the Alabama, since which nothing of import has
transpired. Yesterday Madam Rumor circulate d a report that 300 Mexican
soldiers were within 60 miles of Corpus Christi. I inquired in relation
to this rumor, and find that there are a few small posts occupied by the
Mexicans on this bank of the Rio Grande. In the vicinity of Mier, for
instance, there are about 100, near Loredo about 100, and near Camargo
about 100. The Camanches came down in the vicinity of that portion of
the frontier and committed depredations, killing and stealing. The
troops from the neighborhood of the different towns mentioned started
out in pursuit in three detachments, (about 100 each,) and are now on
the war trail. This is nothing unusual as I learn from Col. Kinney.
Whether Gen. Taylor will or will not take
any action upon this, is yet to be determined.
The steamer Monmouth goes over for
repairs. She will return here again. Capt. Blake’s party has not yet
Very truly,
The party under Capt. Blake had been
previously sent out on a reconnoissance, we believe. We have no
further intelligence whatever as to the army by this arrival.
The Monmouth left at Aransas the propeller
Augusta, lightering; the steamboat Leo, for sale, freight or charter; and
the schrs. T. F. Hunt and Cornelia, loaded with powder and arms. The schr.
Josephine, and another small one, were lying at anchor, ready for sea.
The brig Pocahontas arrived at Aransas on the 15th, but it was
too rough to venture alongside her. The propeller McKim was left at
Galveston, to leave in two or three days. The Monmouth met the steamship
New York on he 20th inst., at 9 o’clock, a.m., about 30 miles
east of Galveston.
Source: The Daily Picayune, October
25, 1845, p. 2, col. 3. |