November 11, 1845 Article 1



New Orleans Volunteers in Texas. — We do not know that our army, after the manner of Uncle Toby’s in Flanders, “suffers terribly” in Texas, but we are inclined to believe that in the feeding line the volunteers and others have not been altogether so well provided for — barring beans — as they might have been.  Hitting at the commissariat at Corpus Christi, one of our correspondents, a witty wag, tells the following anecdote:


“One of your volunteers, after being discharged and prepared to start home, was asked by a soldier if he would not like to enlist in his company in the regular service.  His reply was very expressive: ‘No, sir not another d____n bean.’”


Source: The Daily Picayune, November 11, 1845, p. 2, col. 2.




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