March 4, 1846


The “Army of Occupation.” — Our latest dates from Corpus Christi are up to the 25th ult., Wednesday last.  The following extract of a letter, from one of our correspondents, may not prove uninteresting:


Corpus Christi, Feb. 25, 1846.


The different reconnoitering parties have returned to camp, and report much more favorably upon both routes to the Rio Grande than was expected.  It has been decided, I believe, to take the overland route, via San Patricio, where the army will strike the old Matamoros road.  This road will be kept until opposite that city, near which the army will encamp, while Brazos Santiago, or Point Isabel, its port of entry, will be at once occupied and fortified.  In addition to the twenty-four pieces of field artillery, (four batteries,) a fine siege battery of six 18 pounders, with _________ will complete that arm, and be ready for invasion, should it be found necessary.  The army is under orders to be ready to march at forty-eight hours notice; and before you receive this, the advance detachment will probably be on its way towards the Rio Grande.  Should necessity require it, a naval force will doubtless be ready to co-operate with the army.  Point Isabel, or Brazos Santiago, I suppose, must be the depot for the army, but we shall know more about this anon.


Yours, scouring up,



Source: The Daily Picayune, March 4, 1846, p. 2, col. 4.


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