March  25, 1846


Later from Texas. — By the arrival yesterday afternoon of the steamship Galveston, Capt. Wright, we have received dates from Galveston up to the 22d inst. inclusive.


Speaking of the march of the “Army of Occupation” from Corpus Christi, and the order that no one but those attached to the service should move with it, the Civilian says.


We understand that the order forbidding persons from accompanying the army has been pretty rigidly enforced, some persons who had violated it by following its march with whiskey to sell to the soldiers having been arrested and sent back in ions, and the barrels containing their liquor broken open and their contents destroyed.


The news from Austin, the seat of Government, is to the 11th inst.  The proceedings of the Texas Legislature so far are not fo general interest.


The Telegraph states that the corn planted this season, in many of the fields in the vicinity of Richmond on the Brazos, is already several inches high.  We hope that some of our Northeren friends, while breaking roads through the snow drifts, will think and ponder upon this.


The papers generally are barren of news of the least interest.


Source: The Daily Picayune, March 25, 1846, p. 2, col. 1.


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