Important Report.
We learn by an extract from a letter,
received by a commercial house yesterday from Galveston, and dated on
the 14th inst., that the schr. Mary Shields, from Matamoros
bound to New York, put into Galveston a few days since in distress.
The captain reports the American Consul at Matamoros, J. P. Schatzell,
Esq., in prison at that place, accused by the authorities of
corresponding with Gen. Taylor at Corpus Christi. In addition to
this, we learn verbally that a Mexican who was the bearer of
despatches from Mr. S. at Matamoros, to Gen. Taylor at Corpus Christi,
had been shot by the authorities at the former place on his return.
It is also said that 8000 Mexican troops are stationed there.
There was a rumor in town yesterday, to
the effect that Mr. Slidell himself had been thrown into prison, but
this undoubtedly took its rise from the above. Should it turn out
that Mr. Schatzell has really been incarcerated at Matamoros, Gen.
Taylor cannot reach the vicinity of that city with too great speed.
We have heard of several overt acts committed by the Mexicans of late
– one of which was the shooting of a young American trader named
Burney, at Perote, on the principal ground that he was in Texas during
her early struggle for liberty – and now it is stated that one of our
Consuls has been thrown into prison on no other plea than that he has
been in correspondence with Gen. Taylor. We have said so often that
our Government should come to some understanding with Mexico – should
have a full and final settlement with her of all difficulties – that
we have become sick of the subject. Granted that Mexico is weak,
powerless – yet no one can allow a snarling puppy to be continually
snapping at his heels without kicking him out of the way at last.
Source: The Daily
Picayune, March 17, 1846, p. 2, col. 2.