Highly Important Intelligence --- President Jones’s
Message --- Convening of the Texan Congress --- Unanimous Passage of
the Annexation Resolution.
By the arrival yesterday afternoon of
the sloop “Cutter” we have received a slip from the Galveston News
office announcing that the Texan Congress have accepted the United
States’ propositions for Annexation by a unanimous vote. For
this slip, as also for other papers, we are indebted to Mr. McDougal,
who came passenger.
Among the passengers by the Cutter,
which left Galveston the 26th ult., was a bearer of
despatches for Capt. Elliott, the British Charge, who still remains in
this city.
The U. S. sloops of war Saratoga and St.
Mary’s and brig Porpoise have sailed from Galveston for Pensacola.
The cutter Woodbury was to sail on the 2d inst. For this port. Report
has it that the Princeton sails directly for Washington City, but we
see no account of it in any of the journals.
The extra from the News office is so
important that we hasten to lay it before our readers entire. It
contains, besides President Jones’s Message, a hurried account of the
proceedings of the Texan Congress. Here is the extra: ---
We are indebted to Mr. Briggs for the
following interesting documents, which we hasten to give our readers.
Verbally we learn from Mr. B. that the
propositions for our Independence have been submitted to the Senate.
They are not yet made public, but it is understood that they are
highly objectionable and will be promptly rejected.
Executive Department,
Washington, June 16, 1845.
Gentleman of the Senate
And of the House of
I am happy to greet you on this
interesting occasion, as the representatives of the people, again
assembled in the discharge of your high and important duties. This
call of an extraordinary session of Congress at this early day by the
Executive was not made without the most mature deliberation and a due
reference to the great crisis which has arisen since your late
adjournment, in the affairs of Texas, as well as the almost unanimous
expression of public will which took place throughout the country in
regard to the same.
The Executive has now the pleasure to
transmit to the honorable Congress, for such action as they may deem
suitable, the propositions which have been made of the annexation of
Texas and its incorporation as a state into that great and kindred
confederacy, together with the correspondence between the two
Governments which has arisen out of the same. This correspondence,
entering as it does very fully into the views and sentiments of the
Governments in question renders it unnecessary for the Executive to
add (for the information or consideration of Congress) but little
hereto in reference to the proposed measure.
The Executive has much satisfaction in
observing --- that no doubt will forcibly arrest the attention of the
Congress – that although the terms embraced in the resolutions of the
United States Congress may at first have appeared less favorable than
was desirable for Texas, that the very liberal and magnanimous views
entertained by the President of the United States towards Texas, and
the promises made through the Representative of that country in regard
to the future advantages to be extended to her if she consent to the
proposed union, render those terms much more acceptable than they
would otherwise have been.
The state of public opinion, and the
great anxiety of the people to act definitely upon the subject of
Annexation by a Convention of Deputies, as prescribed in the
Resolutions of the United States Congress, induced by Executive to
issue his Proclamation on the 5th of May, ult.,
recommending an election for sixty-one deputies to be held in the
several counties throughout the Republic on the 4th of the
present month, and to assemble in Convention at the city of Austin on
the 4th of July next. This recommendation has met the
sane______ of the citizens of Texas generally, and the deputies in the
several counties, so far as head from, having expected the Convention
will assemble at the time and _______ fixed upon. To this Convention
the question of annexation and the adoption of a State Constitution
will properly belong, and they will determine the ________ question of
the nationality of Texas as to them will seem most conducive to the
interest, happiness and prosperity of the people whom they will
represent. It is important that the “consent of the existing
Government” should be given to their exercising the powers which have
been delegated to them, in order to comply with a requirement to that
effect in the Resolutions on the subject of Annexation passed by the
American Congress. For this purpose the present extraordinary session
of the Congress of the Republic of Texas has been convoked, and to its
wisdom, as a coordinate __________________, the Executive now submits
the determination of the matter.
The services to be performed by the
Convention will be arduous, and will probably engage it for a
consideration period of time; and the Executive would respectfully
recommend to Congress the propriety of making _______________
appointment for the payment of its members, as well as the officers it
may find occasion to employ.
The Executive has the pleasure, in
addition to presenting Congress the propositions concerning
Annexation, to inform them that certain conditions preliminary to a
treaty of peace upon the basis of a recognition of the Independence of
Texas by Mexico, were signed by the part of the latter, at the city of
Mexico, on the ______ of May last, and were transmitted to this
Government on the 21 inst., by the Baron Alley de Cyprey, Minister
Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the King of the French, at that court,
by the hands of Capt. Elliott, _________ Britannie Majesty’s Charge d’
Affaires near this government. In consequence of the signing of these
______climinaries, the Executive believed it to be his duty,
____________ the recess of Congress, to make the fact known to the
people of Texas, and to declare and proclaim a ______ssation of
hostilities between Texas and Mexico, under the same could be
communicated to and acted upon by Congress and the Convention about to
assemble. A proclamation for this purpose was consequently issued on
the 4th inst., a copy of which is herewith transmitted.
The preliminaries being in the nature of a treaty, _______ with all
the correspondence in relation thereto, _______ forthwith communicated
to the honorable Senate by its constitutional advice and such action
as in its wisdom the same shall seem to require.
The alternative of Annexation or
Independence will thus be placed before the people of Texas, and their
________ sovereign and unbiased voice will determine the _______
important issue; and so far as it shall depend upon the Executive to
act, he will give immediate and full __________ to the expression of
their will.
His situation in regard to the important
subject now communicated to Congress has, since their late
adjournment, been one of great delicacy and embarrassment. Questions
of much difficulty have been presented for his determination, upon
which the fate and __________ of the country depended, and without
precedent or constitutional guide for his governance, he has been
obliged to assume, in consequence, great and severe responsibilities.
He trusts, however, that Congress will approve the course he has
adopted and by ____________ enlightened counsels relieve and direct
him in the course hereafter to be pursued in relation to those
The Executive is happy to announce to
Congress, that Texas is at peace with the world; that with all foreign
nations, with whom we have had intercourse, friendly relations are
maintained. The different tribes of Indians on our borders, with whom
treaties exist, have continued to observe the same with good faith;
and within the last few days information has been received, that the
only band of Camanches within our limits, who had maintained until
then a hostile attitude towards Texas, have sued for peace, and
expressed a wish to be permitted to come to Bexar to celebrate a
treaty of friendship, which on the part of this Government has been
complied with.
The arrangements made at your regular
session, for additional companies of rangers to be mustered into
service, have been carried into full effect, and have afforded
adequate and very efficient protection to our frontiers. The receipts
into the Treasury have been sufficient to meet the various
expenditures of the Government. A specie currency has been maintained
without difficulty, and all the Exchequer Bills which were in
circulation at the period of your late adjournment have been redeemed,
and withdrawn from circulation, and the Executive is happy to
congratulate the Congress and the country upon a state of peace,
happiness, and prosperity, never before experienced by Texas, and
rarely if ever equalled by so young a nation.
It only remains for the Executive to
express an assured confidence in your individual wishes to sustain the
best interests of Texas, and the fervent hope that He who holds the
destinies of men and nations in his hand may crown your deliberations
with his richest blessings.
Anson Jones.
Joint Resolution giving the consent of the existing
to the
Annexation of Texas to the United States.
The Government of the United States hath proposed the following terms,
guarantees and conditions, on which the people and Territory of the
Republic of Texas may be erected into a new State, to be called the
State of Texas, and admitted as one of the States of the American
Union, to wit:
[Here follows the Resolutions of the
United States Congress.]
And Whereas,
by said terms, the consent of the existing Government of Texas is
required: Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it Resolved, by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas in
Congress assembled, That the Government of Texas doth consent that the
people and Territory of the Republic of Texas may be erected into a
new State, to be called the State of Texas, with a Republican form of
Government, to be adopted by the people of said Republic, by deputies
in Convention assembled, in order that the same may be admitted as one
of the States of the American Union, and said consent is given on the
terms, guarantees and conditions set forth in the preamble to this
joint resolution.
Sec. 2. Be it further Resolved,
That the Proclamation of the President of the Republic of Texas
bearing date May 5, 1845, and the election of deputies to sit in
Convention at Austin on the fourth day of July next, for the adoption
of a Constitution for the State of Texas, had in accordance therewith,
hereby receive the consent of the existing Government of Texas.
Sec. 3. Be it further Resolved,
That the President of Texas is hereby requested immediately to furnish
the Government of the United States, through their accredited Minister
near this Government, with a copy of this joint resolution; also to
furnish the Convention to assemble at Austin on the fourth of July
next with a copy of the same, and the same shall take effect from and
after its passage.
The above is a copy of the resolutions
as they passed the two Houses, and which will, we suppose, receive the
sanction of the President. They passed unanimously.
Tod Robinson.
On the 18th inst., in the
Senate, Mr. Greer introduced a joint resolution offering “a nation’s
gratitude to Major General Adrew Jackson,” which resolution was
unanimously adopted.
On the same day Major Kaufman introduced a
bill setting apart a portion of the public land, lying between the
Arkansas and Red Rivers, for the payment of the national debt – read
first and second time and referred to Committee on State of the
A resolution was offered by Mr. Greer for
altering the time of the annual session of Congress – read first time.
On the same day Mr. Kaufman, as Chairman
of the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported the “Joint Resolution
giving the consent of the existing Government to the Annexation of Texas
to the United States,” which Joint Resolution was passed through its
third reading on the next day (19th) – (the rule being
suspended on motion of Col. H. L. Kinney) -- by a unanimous vote
of the Senate.
On the 19th, in the Senate, Mr.
Greer introduced a joint resolution relative to the introduction of
United States troops into Texas – read first time.
Mr. Kaufman’s bill “setting apart land for
the payment of the public debt,” &c., was taken up, read a second and
third time, and passed.
Mr. Lawrence introduced a resolution for
the relief of Post Captain E. W. Moore – read first time.
We are happy to state that Commodore Moore
has already been restored to his command. We are further informed that
Congress will probably adjourn on next Wednesday.
We are informed that the propositions from
Mexico have been rejected, and that the resolution inviting the United
States troops has been adopted.
From the foregoing it will be seen how
signally have failed the intrigues and machinations of Elliott, Jones,
Saligny & Co. to prevent the Annexation of Texas. Speaking of Elliott,
the Galveston News says that “the people of Texas are under obligations
of gratitude to him: for surely if any one man has done more
than another to advance the cause of Annexation, he is the one.”
Complimentary very.
The news of the passage of the Annexation
resolutions caused not a little excitement at Galveston. Salutes were
fired and other demonstrations of rejoicing were given.
Jose Antonio Navarro, who was so long
confined a prisoner in Mexico, has been elected a delegate to the
Convention from Bexar. Volney E. Howard, formerly of Mississippi, has
also been elected from the same county.
Two vessels have arrived at Galveston from
Bremen having on board 185 German emigrants.
More trouble is anticipated from the
Camanches. Some of them who have recently been in at Torrey’s Trading
House did not receive as many presents as they desired, when the hostile
looks and muttered threats of many of the warriors showed that they are
yet by no means disposed to bury the hatchet. The U. S. Dragoons, we
have little doubt, will set these savages right.
Mr. Gardener, ex-sheriff of Fayette
county, was killed in a duel at La Grande a few days since.
The accounts of the crops in every section
of Texas are very flattering.
All appeared to be quiet on the frontiers.
Source: The Daily Picayune, July
4, 1845.