July 4, 1845 Article 1



            Texas --- Army Movements, &c. --- By way of Red River we learned that the Texan Congress, convened at Washington on the 16th ult., accepted the United States resolutions in relation to Annexation unanimously.  The news comes verbally, a gentleman who has arrived at Natchitoches from the Texan seat of Government giving the information, but we think it deserving of all reliance.  [Since this was in type the news has been confirmed by an arrival direct from Texas.]


We also learn that Gen. Taylor, in command of the troops at Fort Jesup, has received orders from the War Department to the following effect:  the 3d and 4th regiments of Infantry are to move immediately to some point in the neighborhood of this city, there to wait until the action of the Texan Convention, which meets to-day at Austin, is known, when they will probably move by water to Corpus Christi or some place in that neighborhood.  The 4th regiment, it is thought, will reach the barracks below our city to-day or to-morrow.



The 2d dragoons, under Col. Twiggs, will be ordered to proceed to the Rio Grande b y land at the same time the infantry starts by water.  The Department, we have heard it rumored, recommended the dragoons to march on foot, probably deeming that there would not sufficient forage for their horses.  The officers in command, however, and very wisely and justly to our thinking, have resolved not to dismount this valuable command, knowing that the portions of Texas to be traversed offered the most ample subsistence.


Since writing the above, we learn by the DeSoto that the staemboats Yazoo, Cote Joycuse, Rodolph and DeSoto have been chartered by the Government to convey the two infantry regiments mentioned above to this city.  When the DeSoto left Grand Ecore the troops were marching in preparatory to the embarkation.


Source:  The Daily Picayune, Friday, July 4, 1845, p. 2, col. 1.



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