July 20, 1845
Annexation Ratified --- Death of Vice
President K. L. Anderson ---
Incursions and Depredation of the Indians
--- General News.
By the arrival of the brig Hope Howes,
Capt. B. G. Shaw, from Galveston, yesterday, we are apprised of the
glorious and gratifying fact that the question of Annexation has been
finally consummated. Thus, by the honest and unwavering conduct of a
free people, have the machinations of traitors at home and enemies
abroad been foiled and frustrated. Honor to the republicans of Texas
for the part they have taken in the achievement of the purpose!
We give our worthy correspondent’s letter,
which embraces a clear and succinct narration of the proceedings of the
Convention up to the latest period at which it were possible to receive
Austin news:
Austin, July 7, 1845.
The Convention assembled on the morning of
the 4th, and unanimously elected Gen. Rusk to preside over
its deliberations. Ont aking the chair he made a short address, which
was well delivered and suitable to the occasion. A committee of fifteen
was soon after appointed, who reported by their chairman, Judge
Lipscomb, an ordinance assenting, on behalf of the people of Texas, to
the terms of Annexation proposed by the United States Government. It
was adopted with one dissenting voice – but five members absent. It was
engrossed and signed by all the members present. It is not a little
singular that the only dissenting voice was Richard Bache, the
father-in-law of your Secretary of the Treasury and brother-in-law of
the Vice President.
After the necessary resolutions were
passed for the transmission of the ordinance to the United States, a
resolution was offered by Col. Love, and unanimously adopted – “That the
members wear crape on their left arm for one month, as a testimony of
regret for the decease of Gen. Jackson.” Whatever differences of
opinion may exist, as regards his political acts, elsewhere, Texas owes
him a debt of gratitude. To him we are indebted for the privilege of
becoming a member of the Great American Union – a measure so important
to us, and I hope to you. The convention then adjourned. It was a
novel celebration of the Liberty Day – to surrender the Independence of
our nation, and by the act of the whole people, assent to its
incorporation with another, and offer a tribute of respect to the man
through whose influence the measure was consummated.
On the 5th we appointed
committees on the plan adopted by the Virginia Convention, to report on
the various subjects submitted. It called forth some discussion which
was creditable to the speakers – it was the skirmish that precedes more
heavy firing.
The delegates to the Convention, for
intelligence, integrity and worthy, would rank high in any country.
There is not, perhaps, much of brilliancy, but a great deal of
matter-of-fact sense and sound knowledge; and I predict that we shall
form and send you a sound and sensible Constitution, free from the worst
features of ultraism.
The terms of Annexation are not, perhaps,
such as we had a right to ask; but so anxious are we to free the subject
from further agitation in the United States, that no conditions whatever
will be annexed to the Constitution differing from the resolutions
passed by the United States Congress.
A despatch was received from the United
States in the morning, and Major Donelson arrived on the evening of the
5th, having been detained at Washington by serious
indisposition. These despatches relate to the occupation of our
frontier y your troops. They are now on their march – the foot by water
to Corpus Christi, on the west bank of the Nueces; the dragoons by land
to San Antonio.
The step is taken that will decide Mexico
in her policy. Foreign troops will soon be upon the soil she claims.
Her choice must be a declaration of war; or, if she is wise,
negotiation. She may acquire money by the latter – defeat and disgrace
only by the former. To-day a resolution was passed, requesting the
President of the United States, in behalf of the people of Texas, to
send troops forthwith to our frontier. This resolution is a sanction,
on the part of the people of Texas, of the movement noted above.
The intrigue of those in power here, which
in its commencement was advised by the ex-President, has been dissipated
by the power of the people. The Executive occupies no envied position; --
I am inclined to think he has been victimized by his friend and
patron, as well as her Majesty’s Minister. True to his faith, however, he
issued his Proclamation, admitting a state of war and a disputed
territory, which if not intended as treason to the country or proceeding
from disappointed hopes, was excessively foolish.
Lord Aberdeen has avowed to Dr. Ashebel
Smith that her Majesty’s Government will not interfere in the question, so
he writes home. This removes one of the prospects of war; so if you get
to loggerheads with John Bull, it must be about Oregon. Jonathan will
fight for whales and lumber, but seems to have but little fancy for it if
sugar, cotton or negroes have anything to do with the matter.
This once flourishing village is in a state
of entire dilapidation and ruin – the effects of an arbirary exercise of
power, without cause and without precedent; and although the author of all
this ruin is elected a delegate, he will not take his seat; he cannot – he
dare not look upon hundreds which he has in his wantonness ruined!
Gen. Tarrant, a delegate from Fannin, was on
a visit to San Antonio. He, with Mr. Howard, delegate from that place,
has for some days been expected. --- Painful apprehensions have arisen for
their safety, as many Indians are on the frontier, who have committed
several murders lately.
We are entirely exposed to the attacks of
Indians and Mexicans – not a soldier or guard, and but few firearms. So
callous have the people of Texas become to danger, that they scarcely ever
prepare to repel attack. On my way here I met a young man, with two young
girls, in a buggy, with no protection whatever from attack, almost at the
very spot where young Hornsby had been killed two weeks previous by the
Indians. They were in high glee, laughing and talking merrily; -- I could
not think that an hour might consign them to death, or a worse fate!
The Hope Howes reports only 40 hours from
Galveston to the Balize. The latest Galveston paper we have is of the 12th
inst. We are indebted to Capt. Shaw and Mr. Nick Boilvin for papers, &c.
The British brig Persian arrived at
Galveston a few days ago from Vera Cruz. She brought despatches for the
Government, and was to return as soon as she heard from Washington. It
was rumored in Galveston that she was there for the purpose of learning
the fate of the Mexican propositions to President Jones, and, if they were
rejected, that the fleet of Mexico would be down on Galveston without
delay! We hope the Galvestonians will not evacuate their city on the
strength of this fearful rumor.
The Hon. K. L. Anderson, Vice President of
Texas, died on the 10th inst. At Fanthrop’s, Montgomery county,
of fever. The papers are in mourning for the sad event.
Mr. Edward Bourne, a native of Conventry,
England, left his residence on Clear Creek Lake in a boat, on the 3d
inst., and is supposed to have been drowned on the 4th.
Ashbel Smith has been recalled from
England. Speaking of this, the Galveston News of the 12th says
– “We should like to know what he went for, what he has done, how much
money he has pocketed, when he is going again, or what plan will next be
fallen upon to disburse our public funds.”
The following appointments have been made by
the President:
Hon. Ebenezer Allen, Secretary of State.
Hon. W. B. Ochiltree, Attorney General.
Hon. J. A. Greer, Secretary of the Treasury.
The reports of the crops throughout the
country are highly favorable; Galveston and the other cities and town
continue health; emigrants are fast pressing into the country from the
adjoining States of the Union; and the prospects of Texas, view them
through what phase we will, are prosperous and encouraging.
Source: The Daily Picayune, July 20,