January 20, 1846


From Texas. — By the arrival, since our last, of the steamship McKim, Capt. Lewis, we have Galveston dates up to the 15th inst.


President Jones has issued a proclamation convening the Legislature of the State of Texas at Austin, on the 16th February next, for the purpose of organizing a State Government, and “other measures for the general welfare.”


Capt. Elliot, the original “man with the white hat,” was in Galveston on the 12th.  We presume he is on his way to Austin to attend the funeral of all British hopes of making any thing out of the new State.


The health of the army at Corpus Christi was improving.  The “Army Theatre” opened on the night of the 8th inst. with Sheridan Knowles’ play of “The Wife” – Julien St. Pierre, Mr. Edwards; Marianna, Mrs. Hart.  The orchestra numbered no less than twenty-five musicians.


All was quiet on the frontiers.


Source: The Daily Picayune, January 20, 1846, p. 2, col. 2.

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