January 15, 1846


Military. — The annual report of General Scott, Commander-in-Chief of the Army, recommends the augmentation of the army in proportion to the new extension given to our frontiers to the North-West, West and South-West.


The expedition of Col. Kearney along the route of the Oregon emigration is favorably spoken of, as well as the recommendation of that officer of biennial and triennial cavalry expeditions into the territory, instead of the establishment of advanced military posts on the Oregon and Santa Fe routes.


Reference is also made to an expedition which, under Capt. Sumner, moved up the left bank of the river St. Peters to the Lae Qui Parle, north of the 45th parallel.  This expedition made a good impression upon the Indian tribes visited.


The conduct of Gen. Taylor, in command of the “Army of Occupation” stationed at Corpus Christi, is also approved.


The army is now composed, exclusive of commissioned officers, of 7,883 men.  With the larger increase mentioned above – 2,600 privates – the non-commissioned officers and enlisted men would number in all 10,483.


Gen. S. also recommends for serve at the Military Academy, and elsewhere, the creation of a company of one hundred enlisted men like that formerly styled “a company of bombardiers, sappers and miners.”  No new commissioned officers would be needed with the company.


Attention is invited to the subject of an Asylum for the worn-out rank and file of the army, to be supported from the army itself, by deductions, fines and reversions.  If there is any one who deserves to have his path-way to the tomb made smooth and pleasant, it is the old soldier who was ever ready to sacrifice his life in defense of his country.


Source: The Daily Picayune, January 15, 1846, p. 2, col. 5.


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