February 6, 1846



Messrs. Editors:  — The following is a list of Medical Officers on duty with the “Army of Occupation” in Texas.


Surgeons.  — P. H. Craig, Medical Director; H. S. Hawkins, Artillery Regiment; R. C. Wood, 5th Regiment of Infantry; N. S. Jarvis, General Hospital; J. J. B. Wright, 8th Regiment of Infantry.



Assistant Surgeons.  — J. B. Porter, 3d Regiment Infantry; J. B. Wells, Battalion of Field Artillery; M. Miles, 4th Regiment of Infantry; L. C. McPhail, 2d Regiment of Dragoons; B. M. Byrne, Depot at St. Josephs; J. R. Conrad, Gen. Hospital; D. C. DeLeon, Artillery Regiment; J. W. Russell, 5th Regiment of Infantry; J. G. Glen, San Antonio;  H. E. Cruttenden, 7th Regiment of Infantry; James Simons, Medical Purveyer; A. W. Kennedy, 3d Regiment of Infantry;  W. Levely, Almos.


Total, 18 Medical Officers in attendance upon 4000 troops.  The Medical Corps is composed of 20 Surgeons, and 50 Assistant Surgeons, the strength of the army being about 85000.  From these facts, and those upon which the Picayune of the 7th inst. based its compliments paid to the Medical Staff serving at Corpus Christi, one would readily judge the Surgeon General of the army had ordered the elite of his corps on duty with the troops in Texas.



Corpus Christi, Texas, January 21st,  1846.


Source: The Daily Picayune, February 6, 1846, p. 2, col. 5.

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