February 18, 1846


Later from Texas and Mexico.


By the arrival last night of the steamship Galveston, Capt. Wright, we have Galveston dates up to Monday, the 16th inst.  The G. reports only 34 hours from city to city.


By an extra of the Corpus Christi Gazette, dated on the 12th inst., we learn that they have received dates at that place from the city of Mexico up to the 21st of January, three or four days later than we have received here by way of Pensacola.  The dates from the Rio Grande are up to the 7th inst.


The editor of the Gazette publishes several extracts from Mexican papers which, if any reliance can be placed in them, would go to show that Paredes is endeavoring to raise a heavy force to act against Texas.  We copy one item:


On the 15th Jan. Gen. Paredes issued a circular order to all the Governors of States that within forty days from that date they shall furnish the necessary quota of men to fill up the Army of Invasion to a war complement — 60,000 men.  The present army does not exceed 40,000.  The troops at the capital are constantly drilled with a veiw to act in large bodies.


The news was brought to Corpus Christi by despatch.  The editor of the Gazette says that the bearer reports a considerable force of Commissioners of Mexican Customs Guards, near the mouth of the Grullo or San Gertrudes, within less than twenty leagues of the camp at Corpus Christi.  Another party has been seen about the same distance from that place — but a considerable distance from the Gulf, in the interior — watching for return parties of Mexican traders.


The following item we take from the Gazette of the 12th inst.:


A large party of traders arrived here last night, bringing in nearly 1000 mules and horses of superior quality.  They saw Lieut. Hamilton, having about forty men of the 2d Dragoons and fifteen wagons on the 9th inst., and within a short distance of the rendezvous of a commission party.


The editor of the Gazette thinks there is no truth in the reports brought here by way of Pensacola of the revolt of Arista.  That officer, it would seem from the reports of traders, was at his hacienda near Monterey on the 25th January, where he had retired on resigning the command of the army of the North.


The editor of the Gazette deems it unadvisable for the present force at Corpus Christi to march upon the Rio Grande, not thinking it strong enough.  He is of the opinion that within twenty days the Mexicans can have 25,000 men within two days’ march of Point Isabel.


Source: The Daily Picayune, February 18, 1846, p. 2, col. 2.




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