February 13, 1846


Later from Texas. — By the arrival yesterday of the steamship New York, Capt. Phillips, we have Galveston dates up to the 10th inst.


From San Antonio we learn that that place is rapidly being improved and rebuilt.  After years of doubt and uncertainty, the inhabitants now see their way clear, and are improving their beautiful and healthy town to a degree.


According to the Civilian, it would appear that near 6000 emigrants arrived at that place within the ten months ending on the 1st January last.


From the same paper, we learn that a report had reached Corpus Christi to the effect that Chihuahua and some of the adjoining States had declared their independence of the Mexican Government, and are determined to maintain a separate confederacy.  This may have something to do with the recent movements of Arista in the North.


The following notice, issued by the new Collector, may interest some of our readers:


The undersigned having been appointed by the President of the United States, Collector of the Customs for the district of Texas, and Inspector of the Revenue for the port of Galveston, in the State of Texas, notice is hereby given, that masters of vessels will be and are hereby required to report and enter in conformity to the revenue laws of the United States.


All vessels that were bona fide, owned by citizens of Texas, on the 29th day of December last, and those which may have been since built, or may hereafter be built, in its limits, are deemed and will be held as vessels of the United States, and will be enrolled, licensed or registered by their original names in conformity with the laws that regulate the enrolments, licensing and registering of vessels of the United States.  And vessels heretofore sailing under enrolments, license or register, from the heretofore Republic of Texas, are required as soon as practicable to take out the proper papers, from the custom house of the district of Texas, at Galveston.



Hiram G. Runnels, Collector, &c.


Source: The Daily Picayune, February 13, 1846, p. 2, col. 3.

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