December 25, 1845


From Corpus Christi.  — We make an extract from a letter which we find in the Mobile Herald and Tribune, dated Corpus Christi, December 12th:


The troops, as also the inhabitants, are suffering severely from the inclemency of the weather; in fact, it is said several have died of the cold.  Such a long and severe spell of weather has never before been experienced.  The wind has been blowing a gale from the north for ten days, and there is ice on all the still water.  The very fish and turtle are so numbered that you can pick them up all along the shores of the bay.  In coming through the passage from St. Joseph’s Island to this place, we picked up upwards of sixty fine green turtle, as they floated past the vessel, and had we been homeward bound, could have freighted the vessel with them, so numerous were they.



Source: The Daily Picayune, December 25, 1845, p. 2, col. 3.


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