August 3, 1845


From Texas


The fast-running steam packet Alabama, Capt. Windle, arrived yesterday morning from Galveston, bringing us files of papers from that city up to Wednesday last, the 30th ult.


The Alabama arrived at Aransas on the 25th ult., and on the following day, with the assistance of the Undine which had just got in, landed Gen. Taylor and the U. S. troops the former had taken over.  The A. sailed from Aransas on the 30th, arrived at Galveston on the same day, and left on the following for this port.  Capt. W. reports that off Galveston Bar saw a barque, but could not make her out.


The steamer Monmouth, now in the service of the U. S. Government, arrived at Galveston on the 31st ult., short of fuel and water and requiring repairs to her machinery.  She was to leave on the following day for Aransas.  On the 1st inst., off Ship Island Shoals, met brig Hop Howes, Capt. Shaw, and on the same day steamship McKim 60 miles west of the Balize – both bound to Galveston.


From all accounts, it would seem that the Texas Convention is progressing rapidly with the business before it.  It is thought that the members will be through with every thing by the middle of this month, August.  The seat of Government, it is said, will probably be continued at Austin for the next four or five years.  It may possibly have nothing to do with the business of legislation, but we hope the fleas are not quite as thick there as they were three months since.


The Galveston Civilian of the 26th ult. Contains a fling full one half column in length, and all levelled at the Picayune.  We had no idea until we read this amusing article, that we had touched the friends of the Civilian – the small anti-annexation clique – on points so tender.  Had we room, we might give our Galveston contemporary a fresh column in relation to the movements of Elliott and his Texan friends and co-laborers that has not seen light yet, and not one word of what we have already uttered does the Civilian pretend to deny.  “Much yet remains unsung” and we have all the music by us.


Dr. D. A. Perry, of Washington county, Texas, was murdered a few days since by a negro, formerly the property of the doctor.  Although there was no witness to the act, the negro was suspected, accused, confessed the deed and has been hung.


According to the Civilian, the health of Galveston continued remarkably good.  The weather had been dry and rain was much needed.


A semi-weekly mail has been established between Washington and Austin, to continue during the session.


A correspondent of the Civilian, writing from Washington City, has the following:  —

“I find it impossible to make the people here understand that President Jones is in favor of Annexation.”


We should think it would be rather a difficult matter.


The following extract of a letter we find in the National Register of the 24th ult.  It is dated —


Austin, July 19, 1845.



There is but little of interest going on here: the members of the Convention are becoming a little more excitable as time progresses.  Yesterday there was a flare up between Gen. Davis and Señor Navarro.  Davis, in advocating some measure, introduced into his remarks a comparison rather disparaging to the Mexican nation, at which the “deputy” from Bexar took fire, and demanded if the remarks were intended as personal; to which Davis rejoined, by denying that he had said what was alleged.  The Seat of Government question, I think, is destined to raise a row, the “West” having divided upon it between Lagrange and Austin.


Below we give an extract of a letter from Capt. Grice, of the Undine, giving an account of the landing of the U. S. troops in Texas.  It is dated,


Aransas Bay, July 28, ‘45


On Saturday, the 26th inst., the American flag was first planted in Texas by authority, upon the south end of St. Joseph’s Island, upon which I am landing the troops from the Alabama, inside the bay.  There are now 500 men encamped here, and the scene is full of interest.  The other vessels with troops are not expected to arrive for several days.


The various committees in the Convention at Austin have reported the different provisions for a Constitution of the State of Texas, and these are published at length in the Civilian of the 30th ult.  We give some of the more interesting articles and sections as they appear in that paper, premising that the editor thinks that various alterations will be made in many of them before their final passage.


Source: The Daily Picayune, Sunday, August 3, 1845.



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