August 23, 1845 - Article 1


Loss of the Schooner Swallow. — Letters were received in town yesterday by the U. S. Quartermaster, Col. Hunt, from Aransas, via Pensacola, announcing the loss of the schooner Swallow, Capt. Miner, on the 12th inst.  As she was going in, over the bar of Aransas, she struck, and on the following day was fast going to pieces.  Capt. Miner, with his crew, reached the land in safety, saving his papers, a part of the clothing of the crew, and some of the rigging.  The Swallow cleared from this port for the Bay of Aransas on the 7th instant, having been chartered by the U. S. Government.  Her cargo consisted of 600 barrels of coals, some stores, and clothing belonging to the 3d regiment of Infantry, of which latter only a portion was saved.  The vessel herself is a total loss.


Source: The Daily Picayune, August 23, 1845, p. 2, col. 1



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