August 21, 1845



Movement of the Troops. — Capt. Miles, of the U. S. army, returned to Pensacola on the 18th inst., from Mobile, whither he had been for the purpose of procuring a steamboat to transport the troops now stationed at the three forts near Pensacola to Corpus Christi.  Not having succeeded, he was at the last accounts endeavoring to charter a barque, then discharging at Pensacola, for the purpose.


The commanding officer at St. Augustine, Florida, has received orders to send three companies from that post to this city, and the schr. Gen. Worth, now lying in St. John’s river, has been chartered for the purpose of conveying them hither.


We learn from the Norfolk Beacon of the 12th inst. that two companies of the U. S. troops at Fortress Monroe have been ordered to Texas immediately.  They are to be conveyed by the U. S. steamer Col. Harney, now at Norfolk.


Orders were received on the 9th inst. requiring Capt. Duncan, now at Fort Hamilton, a few miles below New York, to be in readiness at a moment’s warning with his company of Flying Artillery to march for Texas.  It will require two small vessels to transport this company with their horses.  Their destination is the Bay of Aransas.


The ship queen Victoria has again been chartered for the conveyance of troops from this port to the Bay of Aransas.


Source: The Daily Picayune, August 21, 1845, p. 2, col. 3.



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