August 20, 1845



The Governor’s Orders. — The war rumor increases, and the excitement grows still more intense.  The official orders of the Governor to the Adjutant and Inspector General of the State, calling on him to furnish, forthwith, for service in Texas, from the First Division of the State Militia, two companies of artillery, with field pieces complete; and from the Militia of the State, two regiments of riflemen and two regiments of infantry, equipped for service in the best possible manner, appeared in the Courier of last evening.


Before the time at which these orders appeared in print, they have been previously communicated to Gen Lewis and by him to Major Gally and Captain Forno; these two latter officers had mustered a volunteer force all sufficient to fill up the two artillery companies.  Captain Forno’s command is mustered, as we write, at the Armory of the Washington Regiment.


Major Gally’s men, we understand, are busy down town, and to prove that he is “always ready,” the new and formidable field pieces of the State, under his control, are ranged along St. Peter street, opposite the Arsenal.  A glorious career to the brave Orleanois!


Companies F and G of the 7th regiment of Infantry, arrived last evening from Baton Rouge, on the steamer Arkansas No. 5.  They are under the command of Maj. Seawell, Lieut. N. Hopson, Lieut. F. N. Page and Lieut. Gantt.  They are en route for Texas.


Departure of the Troops. — Besides the Artillery companies under Maj. Gally and Capt. Forno, six companies (B, C, F, G. H and I) of the 7th Infantry, about 200 muskets, will embark for Texas in the steamship Alabama to-morrow evening.  The officers attached to these companies are Captains Hawkins, Lee, Seswell, Moore, and Holmes; Lieutenants Britton, Hopson, Humber, Page, Gantt, and Dana.  An officer will remain at Forts Wood, Pike, and the Barracks below the city, to take charge of the public property.  The adjutant of the 7th Infantry, Lieut. Gatlin, proceeds with the Regimental Head-Quarters in the Alabama, expecting to join the commander of it in Texas; that officer being with the command of four companies in Pensacola harbor.  Surgeon Craig accompanies the six companies.


The Baltimore Patriot mentions that Lieut. Ringgold left Washington on the night of the 8th inst., with important despatches for our army in Texas.  It was stated that such was the emergency of the case, the Bank of the Metropolis was opened at 10 o’clock P.M., for Government funds, to enable the despatch-bearer to proceed forthwith.


Source: The Daily Picayune, August 20, 1845, p. 2, col. 2.



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