The Mystery of Iniquity:
As seen in a new phase.
The Philadelphia North American copies a
paragraph from this paper, announcing the arrival in this city of ten
companies of the U. S. infantry, en route to Corpus Christi, and
heads it “Progress of Iniquity.” The North American may have its own
ideas of iniquity and its progress; but we suggest that they must differ
from those of our standard lexicographers, and indeed from the common
acceptation of those terms. Webster – Noah we mean, not Daniel –
defines iniquity as injustice or unrighteousness; and wherein, we should
like to ask, lies the iniquity of a body of soldiers, in compliance with
orders which they have sworn to obey, marching from one post to
another? But the North American calls it the progress of iniquity, thus
stamping the arrival of the troops here as an act which leads to its
consummation. Now the questions recur – Whither go those troops? What
is the iniquity which they have in contemplation? -- Is their errand
one of despoliation and plunder? -- Is their purpose ruthless massacre
and unrelenting extermination? -- Go they to interrupt the proceedings
of peaceful labor, to harrass the aged, to alarm the young, or despoil
the virtuous? Far from it; -- their mission is emphatically one of
peace – their object one of protection; and, although bearing along with
them all the dread appointments of battle, their earnest desire is that
they may not be called upon to use them. How, then, or in what manner,
does their movement develop the “progress of iniquity?”
What are, briefly and clearly as lawyer
say, the facts of the case? Two independent, adjoining nations – the
one powerful, possessing and wielding all the resources that lead to
national supremacy and contribute to individual happiness and
protection; the other, although independent, yet lacking that vigor
which would enable her to profit by her distinct nationality, exposed to
the incursions of a savage foe which she found it difficult to repel,
and a threat of subjection from a semi-civilized and not more generous
enemy, held, and to be held perpetually, in terrorem over the
devoted heads of her citizens; her rich fields and fertile prairies,
which courted, as it were, the industry of the agriculturist, in a state
of wild unproductiveness, and a necessarily unsettled and improvident
spirit pervading the people: two such nations, influenced by the same
wise and prudential motives which dictated confederation to the old
thirteen States of the Union, seeing that it would promote their mutual
interests --- knowing that while it would give a more safe and less
assailable boundary to the one and a greater strength of nationality, it
would afford to the other ample protection from abroad and diffuse the
blessing of industry and peace at home – for good or for evil united
their destinies.
These, now, are the facts of the case.
Will the editor of the North American say they have been misstated? And
if they have not been, where does he discover “the progress of iniquity”
in the proceedings? Did the stronger party coerce the weaker one? Or
was the latter, contrary to the will of her people and in disregard to
their opinions, or by means of bribery and corruption, decoyed into the
alliance? Surely not; coercion there was none, and the bribery and
corruption was all on “the other side.” In our opinion, the great
though intangible cause that led to Annexation was the fraternity of
feeling, social and political, that existed between the two people, and
the identity of interests growing out of it. But whatever has been the
cause, mediate or immediate, the act is consummated, the parties have
subscribed to it, promising, in good faith, to abide by the conditions;
and is our country, in doing so, to be accused by one of its own
citizens of iniquity? Is it iniquitous, forsooth, to protect our
adventurous countrymen and their wives and families on the Western and
South-Western frontiers of Texas from the arrow and the tomahawk of the
treacherous Indian, and from the muskets and sabres of the equally
treacherous but more cowardly Mexicans? If this be iniquity, we take
pride in being placed among its abettors?