August 19, 1845
Military Movements. — The response of our
citizen-soldiery to the requisition of the Governor is just as we had
anticipated. There will be no want of troops, and any number of them
that may be desired, to impress Mexico with the means at the command of
the United States to repel and punish any act of hostility into which
her blind fury may urge her.
All the arms, ammunition, and equipments,
requisite for the two companies of Artillery, arrived yesterday from
Baton Rouge, and this part of the volunteer force will take their
departure on Wednesday next, on the Alabama, for Corpus Christi. The
Courier of last evening says that four regiment of infantry will be
immediately called into the service and organized, but that their
movements will depend somewhat upon circumstances.
The U. S. Flying Artillery, under the
command of Maj. Ringgold, at Fort McHenry, have received orders from the
Secretary of War to hold themselves in readiness to embark for Texas at a
moment’s warning. Similar orders, we learn, have been given to the troops
at the various military stations on the Atlantic seaboard. It is
gratifying to observe that the most influential papers of both parties
applaud the action of the Government in taking these measures of
More Troops. — Yesterday the U. S. troops
from Fort Pike, numbering forty-seven men, under Lieut. Dana and Lieut.
Strong, arrived in the city, destined for Texas.
Texas Letters. — Persons in the United
States writing to their friends in Texas should remember that it is
necessary to pay the postage of their letters to
New Orleans. Unless this be done, the letters
are not forwarded. Many persons seem to think that this requisite no
longer exists; but as Annexation is not yet completely ratified, they are
mistaken. We mention this because we are informed that since the action
of the Texan Congress upon the Annexation question, nearly a barrel of
letters have accumulated in the Post Office of this city with the postage
unpaid, and it may save much disappointment to know this fact.
Source: The Daily Picayune, Tuesday,
August 19, 1845.