248……..(Born N. Y.)                   Lewis N. Morris                        (Ap’d N. Y.)………17


          Military History. – Cadet at the Military Academy, Oct. 15, 1815, to July 1, 1820, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., Corps of Artillery, July 1, 1820.

Transferred to 3d Infantry, Aug. 24, 1820.

          Served:  on Recruiting service, 1821; in garrison t Chicago, Ill., 1821-22; on frontier duty at Ft. Howard, Wis., 1824-25; on Recruiting service, 1825-26; on frontier duty at Ft. Howard, Wis., 1826; on

(First Lieut., 3d Infantry, Dec. 31, 1825)

Commissary duty at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1827-28, -- Ft. Armstrong, Ill, 1828-30, -- Des Moines Rapids, Io., 1830, -- Ft. Armstrong, Ill., 1830-31, -- and Ft. Jesup, La., 1831-33; on Recruiting service, 1833-37; in garrison

(Captain, 3d Infantry, Oct. 31, 1833)

at Ft. Towson, I. T., 1837-40; in the Florida War, 1840-42; in garrison at Ft. Stansbury, Fla., 1842-43, -- and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1843-44; on frontier duty at Ft. Jesup (Camp Wilkins), La., 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; and in the War with Mexico, 1846, being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, -- Battle of Resaca-de-la-Palma, May 9, 1846, -- and Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21,

(Bvt. Major, May 9, 1846, for Gallant and Distinguished Conduct in

the Battles of Palo Alto and resaca-de-la-Palma, Tex.)

1846, where while gallantly leading his regiment in the assault of the enemy’s works, he was

Killed, Sep. 21, 1846:  Aged 46.


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