693……….(Born N.H.)                       Roger S. Dix                     (Ap’d N.H.) ………….…32


          Military History. --  Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1827, to July 1, 1832, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., 7th Infantry, July 1, 1832. 

          Served:  on the “Black Hawk Expedition,” 1832, but not at the seat of war; on frontier duty at Ft. Smith, Ark., 1833-34, -- Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1834,

(Second Lieut., 7th Infantry, Jan. 28, 1834)

Little Rock, Ark., 1834-35, -- and Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1835; on Topographical duty, Jan. 26, 1835, to Aug. 10, 1836; on Recruiting service

(First Lieut., 7th Infantry, July 31, 1836)

1837-38; on Quartermaster duty at Carlisle, Pa., 1838-39, --

(Capt., Staff – Asst. Quartermaster, July 7, 1838)

Charleston, S. C., 1939-40, -- Boston, Mas., 1840-42, -- Ft. Jesup, La., 1842-45, -- and Boston, Mas., 1845; on Paymaster duty in Texas,

(Captain, 7th Infantry, July 15, 1845, to Sep. 30, 1845)

1845-46, -- and during the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22-23, 1847.

(Major, Staff – Paymaster, Sep. 30, 1845)

(Bvt. Lieut.-Colonel, Feb. 23, 1847, for Gallant and Meritorious Conduct

in the Battle of Buena Vista, Mex.)

Died, Jan. 7, 1849, at Hillsborough, Pa.:  Aged 38.


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