895……(Born N.C.)                        Braxton Bragg                             (Ap’d N. C.)……..5


          Military History. --- Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1833, to July 1, 1837, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Second Lieut., 3d Artillery, July 1, 1837.

          Served:  in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1837; in the Florida War, 1837-38; in the Cherokee Nation, 1838, while transferring the Indians to the West;

(First Lieut., 3d Artillery, July 7, 1838)

in the Florida War, 1838-39; on Recruiting service, 1840; in the Florida War, 1840-41, 1841-42; in garrison at St. Augustine, Fla., 1842-43, -- and Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1843-44, 1844-45; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845-46; in the War with Mexico, 1846-48, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Brown, Tex., May 3-9-1846,

(Bvt. Capt. May 9, 1846, for Gallant and Distinguished Conduct

in the Defense of Ft. Brown, Texas)

(Captain, 3d Artillery, June 18, 1846)

--Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21-23, 1846, -- and Battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 22-23, 1847;

(Bvt. Major, Sep. 23, 1846, for Gallant Conduct in the Several Conflicts at Monterey, Mex.)

on the Staff of Bvt. Maj.-General Gaines, as Acting Asst. Inspector-General,

(Bvt. Lieut.-Col, Feb. 23, 1847, for Gallant and Meritorious

Conduct in the Battle of Buena Vista, Mex.)

Western Division, Feb. 21 to Aug. 10, 1849; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1849, 1850-52, 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1853-54, -- and Ft. Washita, I. T., 1854-55; and on

(Major, 1st Cavalry, Mar. 3, 1855;  Declined)

leave of absence, 1855-56.

Resigned, Jan. 3, 1856.

          Civil History. --- Sugar Planter, Lafourche Parish, La., 1856-61.  Commissioner of the Board of Public Works of the Sate of Louisiana, 1859-61.

          Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

          Civil History. --- Superintendent of New Orleans Water Works, 1868 to 18__.  Chief Engineer of the Board for the Improvement of the River, Harbor, and Bay of Mobile, Ala., 18__ to 18__; and of Gulf, Colorado, and Sata Fe, N. M., Railroad, 1874.

Died, Sep. 27, 1876, at Galveston, Tex.:  Aged 59.


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