1102….(Born S.C.)                    Benjamin A. Berry                          (Ap’d S. C.)…….44


          Military History. --- Cadet at the Military Academy, Sep. 1, 1837, to July 1, 1841, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut. 4th Infantry, July 1, 1841.

          Served:  in the Florida War against the Seminole Indians, 1841-42,

(Second Lieut., 4th Infantry, June 14, 1842)

being engaged in the Rout of Halleck Tustennuggee’s band in the Big Hammock of Pilaklikaha, Apr.19,1842; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1842-43, -- and Ft. Scott, Kan., 1843-45; and in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845, until by the explosion of the boilers of the steamer Dayton, in Aransas Bay, Texas, he was

Killed, Sep. 12, 1845:   Aged 28.



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